Electronic text messages are used to convey information through email, IM, chat rooms, SMS etc, and it is getting popular these days. It is an easy and efficient means of communication where simple text message is transferred through various electronic devices such as computers, mobile phones, fax etc. from the sender to the recipient. For shortening the text message, conveying more information, and to reduce the time for typing long sentences into a short SMS or text messages, people use abbreviations. Abbreviations helps to complete the entire message within 160 characters SMS or 140 characters in most of the social network text input boxes. Using abbreviations for texting has become more of a fashion trend and also saves more time. Today's world is all about using shortcuts with the wide usage of electronic communication mediums and finding fast ways of doing something, so text abbreviations and symbols come in handy.
There are an infinite number of common text message abbreviations used today. Sometimes it can be hard to keep up with the new abbreviations and text message symbols that keep popping up each and everyday. Here I put a list of the commonly used text and SMS message abbreviations which helps you to send an important message across.
Abbreviation Meaning
Numbers And Symbols
<3 heart
? I have a question / I do not understand what you mean
?4U I have a question for you
;S Gentle warning, like "Hmm? what did you say?"
^^ Read line / Message above
<3 Sideways heart (love, friendship)
@TEOTD At the end of the day
121 One-to-one (private chat initiation)
14AA41 One for all, and all for one
10X Thanks
1CE Once
1DR I wonder
2 To (SMS)
2EZ Too easy
2G2BT Too good to be true
2M2H Too much too handle
2MI Too much information
2MOR Tomorrow
2NTE Tonight
4 For (SMS)
404 I haven't a clue / I do not know
411 Meaning "information"
4COL For crying out loud
4EAE Forever and ever
4NR Foreigner
^5 High-five
511 Too much information
555 Sobbing / crying. (Mandarin Chinese txt msgs)
6Y Sexy
7K Sick
73 Bye (amateur radio)
86 Over
88 Bye-bye (Mandarin Chinese txt msgs)
88 Hugs and kisses
*s* Meaning "smile"
*w* Meaning "wink"
A3 Anytime, anywhere, anyplace
AA As above / As always
AAF As a matter of fact
AAF As a friend
AAK Asleep at keyboard
AAK Alive and kicking
AAMOF As a matter of fact
AAMOI As a matter of interest
AAP Always a pleasure
AAR At any rate
AATK Always at the keyboard
ABT About
ABT2 About to
ABTA Meaning Good-bye (signoff)
ACDNT Accident (e-mail, Government)
ACK Acknowledge
ACPT Accept (e-mail, Government)
ACQSTN Acquisition (e-mail, Government)
ADAD Another day, another dollar
ADBB All done, bye-bye
ADD Address
ADR Address
ADIP Another day in paradise
ADMIN Administrator
ADMINR Administrator (Government)
AEAP As early as possible
AF April Fools
AFC Away from computer
AFAIAA As far as I am aware
AFAIC As far as I am concerned
AFAIK As far as I know
AFAP As far as possible
AFJ April Fool's joke
AFK Away from keyboard
AH At home
AIGHT Alright
AIR As I remember
AISB As it should be or As I said before
AISI As I see it
AKA Also known as
ALCON All concerned
ALOL Actually laughing out loud
AMAP As much as possible
AMBW All my best wishes
AML All my love
AMOF As a matter of fact
AOTA All of the above
APAC All praise and credit
AQAP As quick as possible / As quiet as possible
ARE Acronym rich enviornment
ASIG And so it goes
ASAP As soon as possible
A/S/L Age/sex/location
ASL Age/sex/location
ASLA Age/sex/location/availability
AT At your terminal
ATB All the best
ATEOTD At the end of the day
ATM At the moment
ATSITS All the stars in the sky
ATSL Along the same line / lines
AWESO Awesome
AWOL Absent without leave / Away without leaving
AYDY Are you done yet?
AYEC At your earliest convenience
AYOR At your own risk
AYSOS Are you stupid or something?
AYS Are you serious?
AYT Are you there?
AYTMTB And you're telling me this because
B Back
B& Banned
B2W Back to work
B8 Bait (person teased or joked with)
B9 Boss is watching
B/F Boyfriend
B/G Background (personal information request)
B4 Before
B4N Bye for now
BAK Back at the keyboard
BAS Big a smile
BASOR Breathing a sigh of relief
BAU Business as usual
BAY Back at ya
BB Be back
BB Bebi / Baby
BBC Big bad challenge
BBIAB Be back in a bit
BBIAF Be back in a few
BBIAM Be back in a minute
BBIAS Be back in a sec
BBL Be back later
BBN Bye bye now
BBS Be back soon
BBT Be back tomorrow
BC Because
B/C Because
BC Be cool
BCNU Be seeing you
BCOS Because
BD Big deal
BDAY Birthday
B-DAY Birthday
BDN Big darn number
BEG Big evil grin
BF Boy friend
BFAW Best friend at work
BF Best friend
BFF Best friends forever
BFFL Best friends for life
BFFLNMW Best friends for life, no matter what
BFD Big freaking deal
BFG Big freaking grin
BFFN Best friend for now
BFN Bye for now
BG Big grin
BGWM Be gentle with me
BHL8 Be home late
BIB Boss is back
BIBO Beer in, beer out
BIF Before I forget
BIH Burn in hell
BIL Brother in law
BION Believe it or not
BIOYN Blow it out your nose
BIOYIOP Blow it out your I/O port
BITMT But in the meantime
BL Belly laugh
BLNT Better luck next time
BM Bite me
BME Based on my experience
BMGWL Busting my gut with laughter
BM&Y Between me and you
BOB Back off *buddy*
BOL Best of luck
BOLO Be on the look out
BOOMS Bored out of my skull
BOTEC Back-of-the-envelope calculation
BOSMKL Bending over smacking my knee laughing
BOT Back on topic
BOT Be on that
BOYF Boyfriend
BPLM Big person little mind
BRB Be right back
BRD Bored
BRH Be right here
BRT Be right there
BSF But seriously folks
BSTS Better safe than sorry
BT Bite this
BT Between technologies
BTA But then again
BTDT Been there, done that
BTW By the way
BTA But then again...
BTDT Been there, done that
BTW By the way
BWL Bursting with laughter
BWTHDIK But what the heck do I know...?
BWL Bursting with laughter
BYOB Bring your own beer
BYOC Bring your own computer
BYTM Better you than me
C4N Ciao for now
C&G Chuckle and grin
CAD Control + Alt + Delete
CAM Camera
CB Coffee break
CB Chat break
CFS Care for secret?
CFY Calling for you
CIAO Good-bye
CICO Coffee in, coffee out
CID Crying in disgrace
CID Consider it done
CLAB Crying like a baby
CM Call me
CMB Call me back
CMIIW Correct me if I'm wrong
CMON Come on
CNP Continued in next post
CRB Come right back
CRBT Crying real big tears
CRS Can't remember *stuff*
CSG Chuckle, snicker, grin
CSL Can't stop laughing
CT Can't talk
CTC Care to chat?
CTHU Cracking the *heck* up
CU See you too
CU See you
CUL See you later
CUL8ER See you later
CUMID See you in my dreams
CURLO See you around like a donut
CWOT Complete waste of time
CWYL Chat with you later
CYA See ya
CYAL8R See you later
CYE Check your e-mail
CYO See you online
DA Meaning "The"
DBAU Doing business as usual
DC Disconnect
DD Due diligence
DE This is (amateur radio)
DF Don't even go there
DFLA Disenhanced four-letter acronym
DGAF Don't give a *freak*
DIIK Darned if I know
DIS Did I say?
DITYID Did I tell you I'm distressed?
DIY Do it yourself
DIKU Do I know you?
DITYID Did I tell you I'm distressed?
DKDC Don't know, don't care
DL Dead link
D/L Download
DL Download
DL Down low
DLTBBB Don't let the bed bugs bite
DM Doesn't matter
DM Direct message
DN Down
DNC Do not compute (meaning I do not understand)
DNR Dinner (SMS)
DNT Don't
d00d Dude
DOM Dirty old man
DOS Dozing off soon
DP Display Picture (Yahoo Messenger Chat)
DQMOT Don't quote me on this
DR Didn't read
DTR Define the relationship
DTRT Do the right thing
DTS Don't think so
DTTD Don't touch that dial
DUPE Duplicate
DUR Do you remember?
DV8 Deviate
DWB Don't write back
DXNRY Dictionary
DYNWUTB Do you know what you are talking about?
DYFI Did you find it?
DYOR Do your own research
E Ecstasy
E1 Everyone
E123 Easy as one, two, three
E2E Exchange to exchange
E2E e-business to e-business
E2E Employee to employee
E2E End to end
E2EG Ear to ear grin
EAK Eating at keyboard
EBKAC Error between keyboard and chair
EF4T Effort
EG Evil grin
EI Eat it
EIP Editing in progress
EMA E-mail address
EMFBI Excuse me for butting in
EMFBI Excuse me for jumping in
EMSG E-mail message
ENUF Enough
EOD End of day
EOD End of discussion
EOL End of lecture
EOL End of life
EOM End of message
EOS End of show
EOT End of transmission
EOT End of thread (end of discussion)
ERS2 Eres tz / are you (Spanish SMS)
ES Erase screen
ETA Estimated time (of) arrival
ETLA Extended three-letter acronym (an FLA)
EVA Ever
EVO Evolution
EYC Excitable, yet calm
EZ Easy
EZY Easy
F Meaning female
F2F Face to face
FAAK Falling asleep at keyboard
FAF Funny as *freak*
FAQ Frequently-asked questions
FBF Fat boy food (e.g. pizza, burgers, fries)
FBM Fine by me
FBOW For better or worse
FC Fingers crossed
FFS For *freak'*sakes
FICCL Frankly I couldn't care a less
FIIK *Freaked* if I know
FIIOOH Forget it, I'm out of here
FIL Father in law
FISH First in, still here
FIMH Forever in my heart
FITB Fill in the blank
FLA Four-letter acronym
FMTYEWTK Far more than you ever wanted to know
FOMC Falling off my chair
FOMCL Falling off my chair laughing
FOAD Freak off and die
FOAF Friend of a friend
FRT For real though
FTBOMH From the bottom of my heart
FTW For the win
FU *Freak* you
FUBAR Fouled up beyond all recognition
FUBB Fouled up beyond belief
FUD Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt
FW Forward
FWM Fine with me
FWIW For what it's worth
FYEO For your eyes only
FYA For your amusement
FYI For your information
G Grin
G Giggle
G/F Girlfriend
G2CU Good to see you
G2G Got to go
G4C Going for coffee
G9 Genius
GA Go ahead
GAL Get a life
GAS Got a second?
GB Goodbye
GBTW Get back to work
GBU God bless you
GDR Grinning, ducking, and running
GFI Go for it
GF Girlfriend
GFN Gone for now
GG Gotta Go
GGMSOT Gotta get me some of that
GGOH Gotta get outa Here
GIGO Garbage in, garbage out
GIAR Give it a rest
GIGO Garbage in, garbage out
GIRL Guy in real life
GIWIST Gee, I wish I'd said that
GJ Good job
GL Good luck
GMBA Giggling my butt off
GMTA Great minds think alike
GMAB Give me a break
GMTA Great minds think alike
GN Good night
GNE1 Good night everyone
GNIGHT Good night
GNITE Good night
GNSD Good night, sweet dreams
GOL Giggling out loud
GOI Get over it
GOL Giggling out loud
GR8 Great
GRATZ Congratulations
GRL Girl
GRWG Get right with God
GR&D Grinning, running and ducking
GS Good shot
GTRM Going to read mail
GTSY Glad to see you
GT Good try
GTFO Get the *freak* out
GTG Got to go
GTRM Going to read mail
GTSY Great (or good) to see you
GUD Good
GWHTLC Glad we had this little chat
H Hug
H8 Hate
H8TTU Hate to be you
H&K Hug and kiss
H2CUS Hope to see you soon
HAGN Have a good night
HAGO Have a good one
HAG1 Have a good one
HAND Have a nice day
HAK Hug and kiss
HAU How about you?
HB Hurry back
HB Hug back
H-BDAY Happy Birthday
HBU How about you?
HF Have fun
HFAC Holy flipping animal crackers
H-FDAY Happy Father's Day
HHIS Head hanging in shame
HHIS Hanging head in shame
HIG How's it going
HLA Hola / hello (Spanish SMS)
H-MDAY Happy Mother's Day
HNL Whole 'H' another level
HOAS Hold on a second
HP Hit points / Health points (online gaming)
HRU How are you?
HTH Hope this helps
HT Hi there
HTH Hope this helps
HUB Head up butt
HUYA Head up your *butt*
HV Have
HW Homework
I2 I too (me too)
IA8 I already ate
IAAA I am an accountant
IAAD I am a doctor
IAAL I am a lawyer
IANAC I am not a crook
IAC In any case
IAE In any event
IAO I am out (of here)
IAW I agree with / In accordance with
IB I'm back
IC I see
ICAM I couldn't agree more
ICBW It could be worse
ICEDI I can't even discuss it
ICFILWU I could fall in love with you
IDC I don't care
IDK I don't know
IDTS I don't think so
IDUNNO I don't know
IFYP I feel your pain
IG2R I got to run
IGHT I got high tonight
IGN I (I've) got nothing
IHNI I have no idea
IHA I hate acronyms
IHU I hear you
IIRC If I recall / remember / recollect correctly
IIIO Intel inside, idiot outside
IK I know
IKR I know, right?
ILBL8 I'll be late
ILU I love you
ILY I love you
IM Immediate message
IM Instant message
IMAO In my arrogant opinion
IMCO In my considered opinion
IMHO In my humble opinion
IMing Chatting with someone online
IMNSHO In my not so humble opinion
IMO In my opinion
IMS I am sorry
IMSB I am so bored
IMTM I am the man
IMU I miss u (you)
IOMH In over my head
IOW In other words
IRL In real life
ITA I totally agree
ITIGBS I think I'm going to be sick
IRMC I rest my case
ISLY I still love you
ITYK I thought you knew
IWAWO I want a way out
IWIAM Idiot wrapped in a moron
IWALU I will always love you
IYO In your opinion
IYSS If you say so
IYSWIM If you see what I mean
j00 You
j00r Your
J4G Just for grins
JAC Just a sec
JAM Just a minutes
JBOD Just a bunch of disks
JFF Just for fun
JFGI Just *freaking* Google it
JIC Just in case
JK Just kidding
j/k Just kidding
JLMK Just let me know
JP Just playing
JMO Just my opinion
JTLYK Just to let you know
JW Just wondering
k Ok
K Okay
KK Knock, knock
KK Okay, Okay!
k/b Keyboard
KB Keyboard
KDFU Means Cracking (K) the (D as in Da) *freak* up
KEYA I will key you later
KEYME Key me when you get in
KFY Kiss for you
KIA Know it all
KISS Keep it simple stupid
KIT Keep in touch
KOC Kiss on cheek
KOTC Kiss on the cheek
KOTL Kiss on the lips
KPC Keeping parents clueless
KUTGW Keep up the good work
KWIM? Know what I mean?
L2G Like to go?
L2G Love to go
L2K Like to come
l33t Elite
L8R Later
L8R G8R Later gator
LBAY Laughing back at you
LEMENO Let me know
LGH Lets get high
LHM Lord help me
LHO Laughing head off
LIC Like I care
LIK Liquor
LIMT Laugh in my tummy
LLGB Love, later, God bless
LERK Leaving easy reach of keyboard
LD Later, dude / Long distance
LDR Long-distance relationship
LHO Laughing head off
LLTA Lots and lots of thunderous applause
LMAO Laughing my a** off
LMSO Laughing my socks off
LMFAO Laughing my freaking *a* off
LMIRL Lets meet in real life
LMK Let me know
LMNK Leave my name out
LNT Meaning lost in translation
LOA List of acronyms
LOL Lots of love
LOLO Lots of love
LOL Laughing out loud
LOTI Laughing on the inside
LRF Little rubber feet (the little pads on the bottom of displays and other equipment)
LQTM Laughing quietly to myself
LSHMBH Laughing so hard my belly hurts
LSV Language, sex and violence
LTD Living the dream
LTNS Long time no see
LTR Long-term relationship
LULAB Love you like a brother
LULAS Love you like a sister
LUWAMH Love you with all my heart
LY Love ya
LY4E Love ya forever
LTS Laughing to self
LULT Love you long time
LULZ Slang for LOL
LVM Left voice mail
LWOS Laughing without smiling
LY Love ya
LYLAS Love you like crazy
LYLC Love you like a sis
LYSM Love you so much
M8 Mate
MB Mamma's boy
MC Merry Christmas
MEGO My eyes glaze over
MEH Shrug or shrugging shoulders
MEH So-so / just okay
MEHH Sigh / sighing
MFI Mad for it
MGB May God bless
MIRL Meet in real life
MKAY Mmm, okay
MLM Give the middle finger
MNC Mother nature calls
MNSG Mensaje (message in Spanish)
MorF Male or female?
MOOS Member of the opposite sex
MOSS Member of same sex
MorF Male or female
MOSS Member of the same sex
MOTOS Member of the opposite sex
MSG Message
MTF More to follow
MTFBWU May the force be with you
MTF More to follow
MUSM Miss you so much
MUAH Multiple unsuccessful attempts (at / to) humor
MUSM Miss you so much
MWAH Meaning "kiss" (it is is the sound made when kissing through the air)
MYO Mind your own (business)
MYOB Mind your own business
n00b Newbie
N1 Nice one
N2M Nothing too much
NADT Not a darn thing
NALOPKT Not a lot of people know that
NANA Not now, no need
NBD No big deal
NE Any
NE1 Anyone
NFM None for me / Not for me
NFM Not for me
NFS Not for sale
NFW No *freaking* way
NFW Not for work
NFWS Not for work safe
NIGI Now I get it
NIMBY Not in my back yard
NIROK Not in reach of keyboard
NLT No later than
NM Nothing much
NM Never mind
NMH Not much here
NMU Not much, you?
NO1 No one
NOYB None of your business
NP No problem
NQT Newly qualified teacher
NADT Not a darn thing
NFG No f*****g good
NFW No feasible way
NP No problem
N/P No problem
NRN No response necessary
NSA No strings attached
NSFW Not safe for work
NSISR Not sure if spelled right
NT Nice try
NTHING Nothing (SMS)
NVM Never mind
NVR Never
NW No way
NWO No way out
O4U Only for you
O Hugs
O Over
OA Online auctions
OATUS On a totally unrelated subject
OB Oh baby
OB Oh brother
OI Operator indisposed
OIC Oh, I see
OLL Online love
OIB Oh, I'm back
OJ Only joking
OL Old lady
OM Old man
OM Oh, my
OMG Oh my God
OMGYG2BK Oh my God, you got to be kidding
OMW On my way
ONL Online
OMG Oh my God
OTF Off the floor
OTOH On the other hand
OTTOMH Off the top of my head
OO Over and out
OOC Out of character
OOH Out of here
OOTD One of these days
OOTO Out of the office
OP On phone
ORLY Oh really?
OT Off topic (discussion forums)
OTB Off to bed
OTFL On the floor laughing
OTL Out to lunch
OTOH On the other hand
OTP On the phone
OTT Over the top
OTTOMH Off the top of my head
OTW Off to work
OVA Over
OYO On your own
P2P Parent to parent
P2P Peer to peer
PANS Pretty awesome new stuff
PAW Parents are watching
PCMCIA People can't master computer industry acronyms
PCM Please call me
PDA Public display of affection
PDH Pretty darn happy
PDS Please don't shoot
PDQ Pretty darn quick
PEBCAK Problem exists between chair and keyboard
PEEPS People
PFT Pretty *freaking* tight
PIC Picture
PIR Parents in room
PISS Put in some sugar
PIBKAC Problem is between keyboard and chair
PITA Pain in the ass
PL8 Plate
PLD Played
PLMK Please let me know
PLS Please
PLU People like us
PLZ Please
PM Private Message
PMFI Pardon me for interrupting
PMFJI Pardon me for jumping in
PM Private message
POAHF Put on a happy face
::POOF:: Goodbye (leaving the room)
POTS Plain old telephone service
POAHF Put on a happy face
POS Parent over shoulder
POV Point of view
POV Privately owned vehicle
PPL People
PPU Pending pick-up
PROLLY Probably
PROGGY Computer program
PRON Pornography
PRT Party
PRW People/parents are watching
PSOS Parent standing over shoulder
PSP Playstation Portable
PTL Praise the Lord
PTMM Please tell me more
PU That stinks!
PXT Please explain that
PZ Peace
PZA Pizza
Q Queue
QFE Question for everyone
QFI Quoted for idiocy
QFI Quoted for irony
QIK Quick
QL Quit laughing
QQ (qq) Crying eyes
QQ Quick question
QSL Reply
QSO Conversation
QT Cutie
QTPI Cutie pie
R8 Rate (SMS)
RBAY Right back at you
RIP Rest in peace
RL Real life
RLY Really
RL Real life
RME Rolling my eyes
RMLB Read my lips baby
RMMM Read my mail man
ROR Raffing out roud
ROTFL Rolling on the floor laughing
ROFL Rolling on floor laughing
ROTFLMAO Rolling on the floor laughing my a** off
ROFLMAO Rolling on the floor, laughing my *butt* off
ROFLCOPTER Rolling on floor laughing and spinning around
ROTFLUTS Rolling on the floor laughing unable to speak
RPG Role-playing games
RSN Real soon now
RT Real time
RTBS Reason to be single
RTFM Read the *freaking* manual
RTFQ Read the *freaking* question
RTNTN Retention (e-mail, Government)
RTRMT Retirement (e-mail, Government)
RTSM Read the stupid manual
RU Are you?
RUMOF Are you male or female?
RUT Are you there?
RUOK Are you okay?
RX Regards
RW Real world
RX Meaning drugs or prescriptions
RYB Read your Bible
RYS Read your screen
RYS Are you single?
RYO Roll your own
S^ S'up - what's up
SH^ Shut up
S2R Send to receive
S2S Sorry to say
S4L Spam for life
SAL Such a laugh
SBT Sorry 'bout that
SC Stay cool
SDMB Sweet dreams, my baby
SETE Smiling ear to ear
SF Surfer-friendly
SFAIK So far as I know
SH Same here
SHCOON Shoot hot coffee out of nose
SHID Slaps head in disgust
SHID Slapping head in disgust
SICNR Sorry, I could not resist
SIG2R Sorry, I got to run
SIHTH Stupidity is hard to take
SIMYC Sorry I missed your call
SIR Strike it rich
SIS Snickering in silence
SIT Stay in touch
SK8 Skate
SK8NG Skating
SK8R Skater
SLAP Sounds like a plan
SMHID Scratching my head in disbelief
SNAFU Situation normal all fouled up
SNERT Snot nosed egotistical rude teenager
SN Situation normal
SO Significant other
S'OK It is okay
SOL Sooner or later
SOMY Sick of me yet?
SorG Straight or Gay?
SOS Emergency / help
SOT Short of time
SOTMG Short of time, must go
SOWM Someone with me
SO Significant other
SOL Smilling out loud or sh*t out of luck
SOMY Sick of me yet?
SOT Short on time
SOTMG Short on time must go
SPK Speak (SMS)
SRSLY Seriously
SPST Same place, same time
SPTO Spoke to
SQ Square
SRY Sorry
SS So sorry
SSDD Same stuff, different day
SSIF So stupid it's funny
SSINF So stupid it's not funny
STW Search the Web
ST&D Stop texting and drive
STFU Shut the *freak* up
STR8 Straight
STW Search the Web
SUITM See you in the morning
SUL See you later
SUP What's up?
SUX Sucks / it sucks
SU Shut up
SUAKM Shut up and kiss me
SWAK Sent (or sealed) with a kiss
SWALK Sealed (or sealed) with a loving kiss
SWAT Scientific wild *butt* guess
SWL Screaming with laughter
SWMBO She who must be obeyed. (wife or partner)
SWAG Stupid wild a** guess
SWAK Sealed with a kiss
SWL Screaming with laughter
SYL See you later
SYS See you soon
T+ Think positive
T4BU Thanks for being you
T:)T Think happy thoughts
TA Thanks a lot
TA Thanks again
TAFN That's all for now
TAM Tomorrow a.m.
TANK Meaning really strong
TARFU Things are really fouled up.
TAU Thinking about you
TAUMUALU Thinking about you miss you always love you
TAFN That's all for now
TANSTAAFL There ain't no such thing as a free lunch
TBC To be continued
TBD To be determined
TBH To be honest
TB4U Too bad for you
TBL Text back later
TC Take care
TCB Take care of business
TCOY Take care of yourself
TFS Thanks for sharing
TGIF Thank God it's Friday
THX Thanks
THNX Thanks
THNQ Thank you (SMS)
THT Think happy thoughts
TILII Tell it like it is
TIA Thanks in advance
TIAD Tomorrow is another day
TIC Tongue-in-cheek
TILIS Tell it like it is
TLK2UL8R Talk to you later
TL Too long
TLA Three-letter acronym
TTYAFN Talk to you awhile from now
TLK2UL8R Talk to you later
TMI Too much information
TMB Text me back
TMI Too much information
TMOT Trust me on this
TMTH Too much to handle
TMWFI Take my word for it
TNSTAAFL There's no such thing as a free lunch
TNT Till next time
TOPCA Til our paths cross again (early Celtic chat term)
TOY Thinking of you
TOJ Tears of joy
TOS Terms of service
TOU Thinking of you
TOY Thinking of you
TPM Tomorrow p.m.
TPTB The powers that be
TQ Te quiero / I love you (Spanish SMS)
TSH Tripping so hard
TSNF That's so not fair
TSTB The sooner, the better
TTLY Totally
TTTT These things take time
TTUL Talk to you later
TTG Time to go
TTFN Ta-Ta for now
TTT Thought that, too (when someone types in what you were about to type)
TTYL Talk to you later
TTYS Talk to you soon
TU Thank you
TWSS That's what she said
TY Thank you
TYFYC Thank you for your comment
TYS Told you so
TYT Take your time
TYSO Thank you so much
TYVM Thank you very much
TYVM Thank you very much
^URS Up yours
UAPITA You're a pain in the a**
UAF Until further notice
UCMU You crack me up
UDI Unidentified drinking injury (bruise, scratch, ache and so on)
UDM You the man
UDS Ugly domestic scene
UFN Until further notice
UGTBK You've got to be kidding
UKTR You know that's right
UL Upload
U-L You will
UNA Use no acronyms
UN4TUN8 Unfortunate
UNBLEFBLE Unbelievable
UNCRTN Uncertain
UNPC Not politically correct
UOK Are you ok?
UR Your / You're
UR2YS4ME You are too wise for me
URA* You are a star
URH You are hot
URL Uniform Resource Locator
URSKTM You are so kind to me
URTM You are the man
URW You are welcome
USBCA Until something better comes along
USU Usually
UT2L You take too long
UV Unpleasant visual
UW You're welcome
VBS Very big smile
VEG Very evil grin
VFF Very freaking funny
VFM Value for money
VGC Very good condition
VIP Very important person
VM Voice mail
VN Very nice
VRY Very
VSC Very soft chuckle
VSF Very sad face
VBG Very big grin
W@ What?
W/ With
W/B Welcome back
W3 World wide web / web address
WWW World wide web / web address
W8 Wait
WAG Wild a** guess
WAYD What are you doing
WAH Working at home
WAJ What a jerk
WAM Wait a minute
WAN2 Want to? (SMS)
WAN2TLK Want to talk
WAREZ Pirated
WAS Wait a second
WAS Wild *a* guess
WAWA Where are we at?
WAYF Where are you from?
WB Welcome back
WBS Write back soon
W/B Write back
WBU What about you?
WC Welcome
WC Who cares
WCA Who cares anyway
WDALYIC Who died and left you in charge
WDYK What do you know?
WDYT What do you think?
WE Whatever
W/E Whatever
W/END Weekend
WFM Works for me
WIBNI Wouldn't it be nice if
WH5 Who, what, when, where, why
WIBNI Wouldn't it be nice if
WIIFM What's in it for me?
WISP Winning is so pleasurable
WITP What is the point?
WITW What in the world
WIU Wrap it up
WK Week
WKD Weekend
WL Whatta loser
W/O Without
WOMBAT Waste of money, brains, and time
WRT With regard to
WRK Work
WRU@ Where are you at?
WRUD What are you doing?
WTF What the *freak* ?
WTFE What the *freak* ever
WTG Way to go
WTGP Want to go private (talk out of public chat area)
WTH What the heck?
WTM Who's the man?
WT? What the? / who the?
WTG Way to go!
WTGP? Want to go private?
WU? What's up?
WU What's up?
WUW What do (you) want?
WUU2 What are you up to?
WUF? Where are you from?
WWNC Will wonders never cease
WWYC Write when you can
WYCM Will you call me?
WYD What (are) you doing?
WYGAM When you get a minute
WYHAM When you have a minute
WYLEI When you least expect it
WYWH Wish you were here
WYSITWIRL What you see is totally worthless in real life!
WYSIWYG What you see is what you get
X-1-10 Exciting
X Kiss
X! A typical woman
XD Really hard laugh (where D is a smiley mouth)
XD Devilish smile
XME Excuse Me
XOXOXO Hugs & Kisses
XLNT Excellent
XLR8 Accelerate / going faster
XYL Ex-young lady, meaning wife. (amateur radio)
XYZ Examine your zipper
Y? Why?
Y Yawn
Y2K You're too kind
YA Your
YAA Yet another acronym
YABA Yet another bloody acronym
YARLY Ya, really?
YBIC Your brother in Christ
YBS You'll be sorry
YCDBWYCID You can't do business when your computer is down
YCHT You can have them
YCLIU You can look it up
YCMU You crack me up
YF Wife
YG Young gentleman
YGTBKM You've got to be kidding me
YHBW You have been warned
YHL You have lost
YIU Yes, I understand
YKW You know what
YKWYCD You know what you can do
YL Young lady
YMMV Your mileage may vary
YNK You never know
YR Your
YR Yeah right
YRYOCC You're running your own cuckoo clock
YSIC Your sister in Christ
YSYD Yeah sure you do
YT You there?
YTTL You take too long
YTG You're the greatest
YWHOL Yelling "woohoo" out loud
YWSYLS You win some, you lose some
YYSSW Yeah, yeah, sure, sure, whatever
YBS You'll be sorry
YMMV Your mileage may vary.
YW You're welcome
Z Zero
Z Going to bed/sleep
Z Said
Z% Zoo
ZH Sleeping Hour
ZOT Zero tolerance
ZUP What's up?
ZZZZ Sleeping / bored